The following ballot measures have been certified for the November 8, 2022 general election.
Judicial Ballot Reatinment:
Missouri Supreme Court Judges
Official Ballot Text:
Shall Judge ZEL M FISCHER of the Missouri Supreme Court be retained in office?
Shall Judge ROBIN RANSOM of the Missouri Supreme Court be retained in office?
Missouri Court of Appeals Judge, Eastern District
Official Ballot Text:
Shall Judge KELLY C. BRONIEC of the Eastern District Court of Appeals be retained in office?
Shall Judge THOMAS C. CLARK, II of the Eastern District Court of Appeals be retained in office?
Shall Judge MICHAEL E. GARDNER of the Eastern District Court of Appeals be retained in office?
Shall Judge JOHN P. TORBITZKY of the Eastern District Court of Appeals be retained in office?
Official Ballot Title:
Amendment 1
Official Ballot Title Text:
Do you want to amend the Missouri Constitution to:
allow the General Assembly to override the current constitutional restrictions of state investments by the state treasurer; and
allow state investments in municipal securities possessing one of the top five highest long term ratings or the highest short term rating?
State governmental entities estimate no costs and increased interest revenue of $2 million per year. Local governmental entities estimate no costs and increased interest revenue of at least $34,000 per year.
Amendment 3
Official Ballot Title Text:
Do you want to amend the Missouri Constitution to:
remove state prohibitions on purchasing, possessing, consuming, using, delivering, manufacturing, and selling marijuana for personal use for adults over the age of twenty-one;
require a registration card for personal cultivation with prescribed limits;
allow persons with certain marijuana-related non-violent offenses to petition for release from incarceration or parole and probation and have records expunged;
establish a lottery selection process to award licenses and certificates;
issue equally distributed licenses to each congressional district; and
impose a six percent tax on the retail price of marijuana to benefit various programs?
State governmental entities estimate initial costs of $3.1 million, initial revenues of at least $7.9 million, annual costs of $5.5 million, and annual revenues of at least $40.8 million. Local governments are estimated to have annual costs of at least $35,000 and annual revenues of at least $13.8 million.
Amendment 4
Official Ballot Title Text:
Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to authorize laws, passed before December 31, 2026, that increase minimum funding for a police force established by a state board of police commissioners to ensure such police force has additional resources to serve its communities?
State and local governmental entities estimate no additional costs or savings related to this proposal.
Amendment 5
Official Ballot Title Text:
Shall the Missouri National Guard currently under the Missouri Department of Public Safety be its own department, known as the Missouri Department of the National Guard, which shall be required to protect the constitutional rights and civil liberties of Missourians?
State governmental entities estimate no savings and ongoing costs of $132,000 annually. Local governmental entities estimate no costs or savings.
Constitutional Convention Question
Official Ballot Title Text:
Shall there be a convention to revise and amend the Constitution?
Rock Township Ambulance District
Proposition Reduced Property Taxes
Shall Rock Township Ambulance District impose an additional sales tax of one-fourth of one percent for
the purpose of providing revenues for the operation of the Rock Township Ambulance District and the
total property tax levy on properties in the Rock Township Ambulance District shall be reduced annually
by an amount which reduces property tax revenues by an amount equal to fifty percent of the previous
year's revenue collected from this sales tax?